e diel, 23 mars 2008

The King of Kong

The best movie I've seen in a long time. The players are riveting:

The satanic mullet-wielder, Billy, so desperate to keep his life frozen in 1982.

And the angelic Steve! Father, teacher and underdog.

This is a documentary about retrogaming champions, specifically Donkey Kong fans. New Line plans to make a scripted "Based on a true story" version of this movie, with actors. Why? There isn't any way it could get better.

Billy, the current Kong champ, is a terrific villain. He's basically the guy Ben Stiller played in "Dodgeball." The guy who snarled "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood!" He's so over-the-top that he couldn't exist within any sort of fictional framework without rendering it ridiculous.

Once you see the movie, you can google up the people involved. The story still goes on; these two guys are rivals. And Billy might succeed in keeping things the way they are, that is, the way they were 26 years ago. It doesn't matter.

What matters is that a filmmaker caught hin acting like an ass. Millions of people saw it. Films last a long time. People a hundred years from now will see this and say: CHRIST what a jerk.

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